Friday, August 14, 2009

Busy Day!

We had a very busy day today! First, we implemented a chore chart to reward Kennedy for the good things she does and also to help emphasize good hygiene (Taking her daily vitamin, brushing her teeth), help with potty training, and help her learn to clean up after herself!

Kennedy and Mommy

She wouldn't smile for anything!

Next, we were headed to the dentist. This was Kennedy's first trip to the dentist. She was scheduled for an oral evaluation, bite wings with x-rays, fluoride treatment, and cleaning. We attempted the cleaning first, but all she wanted to do was play with the toothpaste containers that they let her choose between! She wanted to cling to me, so we skipped the cleaning for this time and only did the oral evaluation! Overall, she did pretty well. At least she was introduced to the concept. She picked out a Spongebob toothbrush and toothpaste and got a blue balloon!

Helping the fish brush his teeth

She was so happy with her balloon!

After that, we headed to the mall to have Kennedy's 2 year pictures taken. We had them done at Flash Digital Portraits. You can view all of them at and use Hoyle as the last name and password. These are a few of my favorites:

After pictures, we stopped in Build-a-Bear to look around. They were having a sale and I planned on taking her back after her birthday party with any possible money she received. Well, that was the plan, at least. Kennedy was so overwhelmed and loved looking around that we ended up building a bear. This is an early birthday gift from her Papa Aversman!

Carrying her unicorn that she picked out to the
machine to put a heart in it and stuff it!

All done! Here is Kennedy with her unicorn, named "Magic."

Kennedy picked out a pink unicorn that we dressed in a little fairy/tutu outfit with pink heels. Fancy, huh?! We got a birth certificate and put "Magic" in her home to await Kennedy's birthday party! (With the exception of taking her out to show Daddy at home, of course!) Before we left the store, they rang a bell and announced that we were celebrating Kennedy's 2nd birthday. Everyone in the store clapped really loud and yelled "Happy Birthday, Kennedy!" I think that was her favorite part of all! Her face lit up!